Green Space and Health
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Green Space and Health

Green space and health


We are delighted to welcome you to the rapidly growing network of health and social care workers training to be effective agents for positive, sustainable change. 

The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare

The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare is a registered charity working since 2008 to help the NHS reduce its carbon footprint. We are the world's foremost institution for sustainable healthcare research and practice. Our team draws on knowledge and experience from public health, clinical practice, environmental consultancy, research and public policy. Over the last decade, we have explored methodologies and metrics to transform models of care. We work with partners inside and outside healthcare systems to engage professionals, patients and the wider community in understanding the connections between health and environment, and to reduce the environmental impact of the healthcare system. We believe that as healthcare professionals we cannot stand on the side-lines. We have a duty of care to our patients, communities, and the planet, and a responsibility to act. There is a huge amount to do, and we are all needed. There are many important ways to make a difference and this course is a starting point for this exploration.

For more information about our work see:

Course introduction

Our courses are intended as an overview of the field for health and social care staff at any level who are new to the concept of nature-based interventions and/or sustainable healthcare.

Human health is inextricably linked to the health of the wider living systems that support us. They provide the air we breathe, the food we grow, the water we drink, moderate the proliferation of diseases that affect us and much more. This complex set of relationships is sometimes referred to as ‘planetary health’ and is increasingly recognised as a critical perspective in health creation. Our societies have viewed the destruction of living systems as necessary collateral damage for human prosperity. Only by recognising our own reliance on these biological foundations, can we begin to build a sounder, regenerative way of life. It is against the backdrop of steadily climbing greenhouse gas emissions and global temperatures and the dramatic loss in biodiversity that now threatens our own ability as a species to thrive or even survive, that this course focuses on the relationship between nature and health. It is also increasingly understood that the defence of natural habitats is fundamental to combatting climate change. Living systems such as forests, meadows, mangroves and salt marshes remove and store large amounts of carbon from the air - they offer 'natural climate solutions' for the planetary ills we face.

 Research from around the world demonstrates the benefits of green space for mental and physical health, recovery from illness and prevention of long-term medical conditions. Access to green space is recognised as a social determinant of health and a factor in health inequalities. ‘Green' prescriptions are increasingly being used by healthcare professionals to deliver health benefits for patients.  This course explores the evidence base and its implications for healthcare and the design of clinical settings. It showcases examples of green prevention and therapy and illustrates how you can integrate these into your own practice. 

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course you will be able to:

  1. Understand the complex relationship between human health and the health of the natural world.
  2. Summarise the evidence on the health benefits of engaging with green space.
  3. Describe the principles of nature-based interventions. 
  4. Understand how this knowledge can be applied to promote health and healing in the community and healthcare settings.
  5. Identify your own local ‘green space for health’ initiative.

Course Structure

Part I. Self-study online -Interactive online materials covering all course content, illustrated with case studies, presented in bite-sized modules.  The course is flexible to your interests and available time; a condensed version can be completed in under 2 hours using the module summary pages,  whilst the full course contains 8 hours of more in depth study. A discussion forum allows you to reflect on your learning and share thoughts and ideas with fellow learners.  A short video on the home page outlines how to navigate the learning platform and obtain your certificate of completion. The learning materials are available to you from the point of booking and for 6 months after your workshop date. You can see a table of contents for the self study materials here.

At the end of the final module, you are invited to sketch out a plan for a Green Space project you might want to undertake, in preparation for the workshop discussions. 

“Enjoyed working through it. Good balance of reading/videos to watch/discussion. Very well organised and structured. Lots of great links.”

Part 2. Live workshop online - The 4 hour virtual workshop consolidates your understanding of the course materials and then focuses on helping you develop ideas for a sustainability project in your setting;  translating your learning into action through small group discussions with CSH experts and colleagues from around the world using the range of resources and tools. A separate certificate of completion is provided for the workshop. 

  • The implications of the green space evidence base for healthcare 
  • How to develop new forms of practice, facilitate others to engage with green space locally, or create a new green space where you work
  • How to overcome barriers and find opportunities to take your ideas forward – e.g. using levers for change, values and narratives. 

By the end of the workshop we hope you will feel confident to launch your own ‘green space for health’ initiative

“Finding out about CSH in the last 3 months has transformed my ability to convey the messages of sustainable healthcare”

“To know you'll have a hub with centralised resources and support will make a huge difference”

Part 3. Mentoring

After completing the self-study materials and online workshop you are invited to attend our online Sustainable Healthcare Cafés. The 2 hour cafes occur regularly throughout the year.  They are a friendly, informal setting in which to:

  • Get support for sustainability projects from peers and CSH staff
  • Make connections with others bringing sustainability projects into their workplace

You are welcome to continue attending the cafes as many times as you wish. Upcoming dates are available here and will also be emailed out to you with your certificate of completion after the workshop.

You can also receive on going peer support by joining one of our Networks

Self-study - Table of Contents - click here 

© 2024 Centre for Sustainable Healthcare

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