Mental Health
Health Impacts
Sustainable Mental Healthcare

Sustainable Mental Healthcare

Course Outline   

Developed in collaboration with the Royal College of Psychiatry, and designed for staff at any level across mental health and social care this 3-part course will help you to understand why sustainability matters; how mental health and the environment are inextricably linked and how health services both contribute to and are vulnerable to climate change and the loss of nature. The interconnected processes of climate change and biodiversity collapse undermine mental health in a variety of ways, disproportionately affecting vulnerable groups and widening health inequalities. Awareness of the scale of the problem often evokes powerful feelings and thoughts, especially for children and young people.

Using real world case examples the course outlines what a sustainable approach to mental healthcare could look like; delivering high quality, affordable care and positive social impact without damaging the environment.

The course provides you with the basic tools to implement sustainability projects in your area. We also consider the leadership role healthcare staff (at any level) can play in providing healthcare for all within planetary boundaries. As healthcare professionals we cannot stand on the sidelines; we have a duty of care to our patients, communities, and the natural world which is our life support system. There are many important ways to make a difference and this course is a starting point.   

“Finding out about CSH in the last 3 months has transformed my ability to convey the messages of sustainable healthcare.”       

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course you will be able to:

  1. Describe the risks the global environmental crisis presents to mental health and mental healthcare systems.
  2. Describe the contribution of the health sector to the global environmental crisis. 
  3. Identify carbon hotspots and understand the basic principles of carbon footprinting and sustainability in quality improvement.
  4. Explain how to deliver mental healthcare sustainably and how this could help to address existing challenges in the healthcare system.
  5. Apply the principles of sustainability to planning a sustainability project in your workplace. 

Course Structure

This course is delivered in three parts:

  1. Self-study online
  2. Live workshop online
  3. Ongoing Mentoring

For more detail read below.

Part I. Self-study online - Interactive online materials covering all course content, illustrated with case studies, presented in bite-sized modules. The course is flexible to your interests and available time; a condensed version can be completed in under 2 hours using the module summary pages; the full course contains around 8 hours of more in depth study. A discussion forum allows you to reflect on your learning and share thoughts and ideas with fellow learners. A short video on the home page outlines how to navigate the learning platform and obtain your certificate of completion. The learning materials are available to you from the point of booking and for 6 months after your workshop date. You can see a table of contents for the self study materials here

 “Enjoyed working through it. Good balance of reading/videos to watch/discussion. Very well organised and structured. Lots of great links.”

 “The examples of projects that had worked well were inspirational and added another dimension to the educational material.”

Part 2. Live workshop online - The 4 hour virtual workshop consolidates your understanding of the course materials and then focuses on helping you develop ideas for a sustainability project in your setting; translating your learning into action through small group discussions with CSH experts and colleagues from around the world using the range of resources and tools. A separate certificate of completion is provided for the workshop.

"I liked that the discussions were grounded in projects and tying into areas we can immediately effect and apply into our work."

"Inspirational and reassuring to hear everyone else’s actions and sense of urgency. On a practical level, I feel more knowledgeable on where to aim my work for greater impact.” 

Part 3. MentoringAfter completing the workshop you are invited to attend our online Sustainable Healthcare Cafés, a friendly, informal setting in which to:

  •  Reconnect with peers passionate about sustainability
  • Get ongoing support for sustainability projects from peers and CSH staff.

The 1 hour cafes occur regularly throughout the year. You are welcome to attend the cafes as many times as you wish. Upcoming dates will be emailed to you after the workshop. You can also receive ongoing peer support by joining our networks (including the Mental Health Sustainability Network). 

“To know you'll have a hub with centralised resources and support will make a huge difference.”

"I liked the opportunity to network with other trainees.”

What Future Do We Choose?

In the last half century global greenhouse gas emissions have doubled, and human activity has removed about 3/4 the wild birds, mammals, fish, invertebrates and insects on our planet. The health implications of this are deeply worrying. Human health is inextricably linked to the health of the earth’s natural systems, which provide the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we can grow, regulate the proliferation of infectious diseases and much more. This complex set of relationships is sometimes referred to as ‘planetary health’ and is increasingly recognized as a critical perspective in health improvement and protection. Individuals, organizations, and movements across the world have called a climate emergency to respond. There is a huge amount to do, which can feel overwhelming, but this course will help you identify how you can play your part. To kick off, we invite you to enjoy this evocative 2 minute video poem What Future Do We Choose?


About the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare 

The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare is a registered charity working since 2008 to help the health sector reduce its carbon footprint and wider environmental impact. It is now one of the world's foremost institutions for sustainable healthcare research and practice. The team draws on knowledge and experience from clinical practice, public health, environmental consultancy, research and public policy to develop the methods and metrics to implement and measure sustainable healthcare.


© 2025 Centre for Sustainable Healthcare

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